Rapport 'A118GQD' (Jun-2011) :

-- A titre informatif - Peut contenir des données imprécises ou incorrectes --

  1: AAVSO Sudden Ionospheric Disturbance Report

2: Observer: A118
3: Station: QD22
5: -- 110601 1615 1629D1617 3+ 4CV20 A118
6: 40 110601 1614 1629D1617 3+ 4QD22 A118
7: -- 110601 1613 1629D1617 3+ 4HO23 A118
8: -- 110601 1615 1627D1617 3+ 2AA24 A118
9: -- 110601 1614 1628D1617 3+ 4SY46 A118
10: -- 110601 1614 1628D1618 3+ 4CF78 A118
11: -- 110601 1629 1651D1632 3+ 4CV20 A118
12: 40 110601 1629 1651D1632 3+ 4QD22 A118
13: -- 110601 1629 1651D1632 3+ 4HO23 A118
14: -- 110601 1627 1651D1632 3+ 4AA24 A118
15: -- 110601 1628 1651D1632 3+ 4SY46 A118
16: -- 110601 1628 1651D1632 3+ 4CF78 A118
17: -- 110601 1651 1757 1658 3+ 5CV20 A118
18: 40 110601 1651 1745U1658 3+ 5QD22 A118
19: -- 110601 1651 1800U1658 3+ 5HO23 A118
20: -- 110601 1651 1730U1658 3+ 5AA24 A118
21: -- 110601 1651 1730 1657 3+ 5SY46 A118
22: -- 110601 1651 1810 1657 3+ 5CF78 A118
23: -- 110602 0724 0830 0749 3+ 3CV20 A118
24: 40 110602 0722 0830 0749 3+ 3QD22 A118
25: -- 110602 0722 0850D0749 3+ 3CF78 A118
26: -- 110602 0842 0928D0900 3+ 3CV20 A118
27: 40 110602 0840 0928D0900 3+ 3QD22 A118
28: -- 110602 0845 0928D0900 3+ 3HO23 A118
29: -- 110602 0850 0915 0900 3+ 2CF78 A118
30: -- 110602 0928 1015 0948 3+ 4CV20 A118
31: 40 110602 0928 1022D0948 3+ 4QD22 A118
32: -- 110602 0928 1015 0948 3+ 4HO23 A118
33: -- 110602 1022 1050 1028 3+ 2CV20 A118
34: 40 110602 1022 1105 1027 3+ 2QD22 A118
35: -- 110602 1022 1100 1027 3+ 2HO23 A118
36: 40 110603 1600 1645 1610 3+ 4QD22 A118
37: -- 110603 1600 1650 1610 3+ 4HO23 A118
38: -- 110603 1558 1630 1610 3+ 4AA24 A118
39: -- 110603 1600 1725 1607 3+ 4SY46 A118
40: -- 110603 1600 1640 1607 3+ 3CF78 A118
41: -- 110607 0620 0710 0629 3+ 5BZ20 A118
42: 40 110607 0620 0745 0629 3+ 5QD22 A118
43: -- 110607 0622 0845 0631 3+ 5HO23 A118
44: -- 110607 0620 0830 0630 3+ 5BB27 A118
45: -- 110607 0622 0800U0630 3+ 3RK38 A118
46: -- 110607 0620 0815 0629 3+ 5SY46 A118
47: -- 110607 0620 0810 0628 3+ 5CF78 A118
48: 40 110609 1025 1037 1027 3+ 2QD22 A118
49: -- 110609 1025 1045 1027 3+ 2HO23 A118
50: -- 110609 1025 1055 1027 3+ 2SY46 A118
51: -- 110610 1745 1900U1751 3+ 5BZ20 A118
52: 40 110610 1745 1845U1751 3+ 5QD22 A118
53: -- 110610 1745 1845U1751 3+ 5AA24 A118
54: -- 110610 1745 1900 1751 3+ 3RK38 A118
55: -- 110610 1745 1822 1751 3+ 3CF78 A118
56: 40 110614 1116 1215 1121 3+ 5QD22 A118
57: -- 110614 1115 1245 1121 3+ 5HO23 A118
58: -- 110614 1115 1230 1121 3+ 5BB27 A118
59: -- 110614 1114 1230 1121 3+ 5SY46 A118
60: -- 110614 1116 1205 1121 3+ 5CF78 A118
61: 40 110615 1143 1310 1150 3+ 5QD22 A118
62: -- 110615 1143 1310 1150 3+ 5HO23 A118
63: -- 110615 1144 1240 1150 3+ 2RK38 A118
64: -- 110615 1145 1255 1150 3+ 4SY46 A118
65: -- 110615 1146 1310 1150 3+ 4CF78 A118
66: 40 110615 1428 1525 1432 3+ 5QD22 A118
67: -- 110615 1426 1540 1433 3+ 5HO23 A118
68: -- 110615 1430 1505 1432 3+ 1RK38 A118
69: -- 110615 1428 1525 1433 3+ 4SY46 A118
70: -- 110615 1427 1510 1432 3+ 4CF78 A118
71: 40 110616 1017 1130 1020 3+ 5QD22 A118
72: -- 110616 1017 1155 1022 3+ 5HO23 A118
73: -- 110616 1017 1130 1022 3+ 3RK38 A118
74: -- 110616 1017 1130 1022 3+ 5SY46 A118
75: -- 110616 1018 1135 1022 3+ 5CF78 A118
76: 40 110616 1156 1250 1209 3+ 4QD22 A118
77: -- 110616 1157 1310 1208 3+ 4HO23 A118
78: -- 110616 1157 1230 1210 3+ 3SY46 A118
79: 40 110616 1541 1555 1542 3+ 2QD22 A118
80: -- 110616 1538 1610 1543 3+ 2HO23 A118
81: -- 110616 1539 1610 1542 3+ 2SY46 A118
82: 40 110619 1521 1615 1522 3+ 5QD22 A118
83: -- 110619 1521 1610 1522 3+ 5HO23 A118
84: -- 110619 1521 1555 1523 3+ 3RK38 A118
85: -- 110619 1521 1610 1522 3+ 5SY46 A118
86: -- 110619 1520 1557 1522 3+ 5CF78 A118
87: 40 110628 1309 1420 1318 3+ 5QD22 A118
88: -- 110628 1309 1455 1318 3+ 5HO23 A118
89: -- 110628 1309 1405 1318 3+ 5AA24 A118

19 événements.

Event Event 1: 01-Jun-11 - monitoring of QD22 by observer A118
Start: 16:14 UTC
Max: 16:17 UTC
End: after 16:29 UTC
Duration: 15 minutes (Importance: 3+)
Confidence: 4 Confidence: Reasonably Definite (4)
Graphe détaillé événement n°1.
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Event Event 2: 01-Jun-11 - monitoring of QD22 by observer A118
Start: 16:29 UTC
Max: 16:32 UTC
End: after 16:51 UTC
Duration: 22 minutes (Importance: 3+)
Confidence: 4 Confidence: Reasonably Definite (4)
Graphe détaillé événement n°2.
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Event Event 3: 01-Jun-11 - monitoring of QD22 by observer A118
Start: 16:51 UTC
Max: 16:58 UTC
End: about 17:45 UTC
Duration: 54 minutes (Importance: 3+)
Confidence: 5 Confidence: Definite (5)
Graphe détaillé événement n°3.
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Event Event 4: 02-Jun-11 - monitoring of QD22 by observer A118
Start: 07:22 UTC
Max: 07:49 UTC
End: 08:30 UTC
Duration: 68 minutes (Importance: 3+)
Confidence: 3 Confidence: Reasonable (3)
Graphe détaillé événement n°4.
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Event Event 5: 02-Jun-11 - monitoring of QD22 by observer A118
Start: 08:40 UTC
Max: 09:00 UTC
End: after 09:28 UTC
Duration: 48 minutes (Importance: 3+)
Confidence: 3 Confidence: Reasonable (3)
Graphe détaillé événement n°5.
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Event Event 6: 02-Jun-11 - monitoring of QD22 by observer A118
Start: 09:28 UTC
Max: 09:48 UTC
End: after 10:22 UTC
Duration: 54 minutes (Importance: 3+)
Confidence: 4 Confidence: Reasonably Definite (4)
Graphe détaillé événement n°6.
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Event Event 7: 02-Jun-11 - monitoring of QD22 by observer A118
Start: 10:22 UTC
Max: 10:27 UTC
End: 11:05 UTC
Duration: 43 minutes (Importance: 3+)
Confidence: 2 Confidence: Fair (2)
Graphe détaillé événement n°7.
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Event Event 8: 03-Jun-11 - monitoring of QD22 by observer A118
Start: 16:00 UTC
Max: 16:10 UTC
End: 16:45 UTC
Duration: 45 minutes (Importance: 3+)
Confidence: 4 Confidence: Reasonably Definite (4)
Graphe détaillé événement n°8.
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Event Event 9: 07-Jun-11 - monitoring of QD22 by observer A118
Start: 06:20 UTC
Max: 06:29 UTC
End: 07:45 UTC
Duration: 85 minutes (Importance: 3+)
Confidence: 5 Confidence: Definite (5)
Graphe détaillé événement n°9.
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Event Event 10: 09-Jun-11 - monitoring of QD22 by observer A118
Start: 10:25 UTC
Max: 10:27 UTC
End: 10:37 UTC
Duration: 12 minutes (Importance: 3+)
Confidence: 2 Confidence: Fair (2)
Graphe détaillé événement n°10.
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Event Event 11: 10-Jun-11 - monitoring of QD22 by observer A118
Start: 17:45 UTC
Max: 17:51 UTC
End: about 18:45 UTC
Duration: 60 minutes (Importance: 3+)
Confidence: 5 Confidence: Definite (5)
Graphe détaillé événement n°11.
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Event Event 12: 14-Jun-11 - monitoring of QD22 by observer A118
Start: 11:16 UTC
Max: 11:21 UTC
End: 12:15 UTC
Duration: 59 minutes (Importance: 3+)
Confidence: 5 Confidence: Definite (5)
Graphe détaillé événement n°12.
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Event Event 13: 15-Jun-11 - monitoring of QD22 by observer A118
Start: 11:43 UTC
Max: 11:50 UTC
End: 13:10 UTC
Duration: 87 minutes (Importance: 3+)
Confidence: 5 Confidence: Definite (5)
Graphe détaillé événement n°13.
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Event Event 14: 15-Jun-11 - monitoring of QD22 by observer A118
Start: 14:28 UTC
Max: 14:32 UTC
End: 15:25 UTC
Duration: 57 minutes (Importance: 3+)
Confidence: 5 Confidence: Definite (5)
Graphe détaillé événement n°14.
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Event Event 15: 16-Jun-11 - monitoring of QD22 by observer A118
Start: 10:17 UTC
Max: 10:20 UTC
End: 11:30 UTC
Duration: 73 minutes (Importance: 3+)
Confidence: 5 Confidence: Definite (5)
Graphe détaillé événement n°15.
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Event Event 16: 16-Jun-11 - monitoring of QD22 by observer A118
Start: 11:56 UTC
Max: 12:09 UTC
End: 12:50 UTC
Duration: 54 minutes (Importance: 3+)
Confidence: 4 Confidence: Reasonably Definite (4)
Graphe détaillé événement n°16.
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Event Event 17: 16-Jun-11 - monitoring of QD22 by observer A118
Start: 15:41 UTC
Max: 15:42 UTC
End: 15:55 UTC
Duration: 14 minutes (Importance: 3+)
Confidence: 2 Confidence: Fair (2)
Graphe détaillé événement n°17.
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Event Event 18: 19-Jun-11 - monitoring of QD22 by observer A118
Start: 15:21 UTC
Max: 15:22 UTC
End: 16:15 UTC
Duration: 54 minutes (Importance: 3+)
Confidence: 5 Confidence: Definite (5)
Graphe détaillé événement n°18.
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Event Event 19: 28-Jun-11 - monitoring of QD22 by observer A118
Start: 13:09 UTC
Max: 13:18 UTC
End: 14:20 UTC
Duration: 71 minutes (Importance: 3+)
Confidence: 5 Confidence: Definite (5)
Graphe détaillé événement n°19.
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licence Creative Commons Attribution - Pas d’Utilisation Commerciale - Partage dans les Mêmes Conditions 3.0 non transposé.
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