Rapport 'A118GQD' (Jun-2013) :

-- A titre informatif - Peut contenir des données imprécises ou incorrectes --

  1: AAVSO Sudden Ionospheric Disturbance Report

2: Observer: A118
3: Station: QD22
5: -- 130603 0707 0745 0712 2 5BZ20 A118
6: -- 130603 0707 0850 0715 3 5CV20 A118
7: 40 130603 0707 0840 0715 3 5QD22 A118
8: -- 130603 0712 0840U0717 3 5BB27 A118
9: -- 130603 0707 0830 0715 2+ 5RK38 A118
10: -- 130603 0707 0840 0714 3 5SY46 A118
11: -- 130603 0707 0843 0712 3 5CF78 A118
12: -- 130605 0822 1005 0835 3 5CV20 A118
13: 40 130605 0815 1015 0837 3 5QD22 A118
14: -- 130605 0810 1015 0840 3 5HO23 A118
15: -- 130605 0815 1000 0837 3 5AA24 A118
16: -- 130605 0820 1050 0837 3+ 5BB27 A118
17: -- 130605 0814 1025 0842 3+ 5RK38 A118
18: -- 130605 0808 1050 0840 3+ 5CF78 A118
19: -- 130607 0928 1015 0940 2+ 3CV20 A118
20: 40 130607 0928 1005 0940 2 3QD22 A118
21: -- 130607 0928 1005 0940 2 3HO23 A118
22: -- 130607 0928 1005 0940 2 3BB27 A118
23: -- 130607 0928 1003 0940 2 3CF78 A118
24: -- 130607 1148 1300 1150 2+ 5CV20 A118
25: 40 130607 1148 1300 1150 2+ 5QD22 A118
26: -- 130607 1148 1300 1150 2+ 5HO23 A118
27: -- 130607 1148 1230 1151 2 5AA24 A118
28: -- 130607 1148 1330 1150 3 5BB27 A118
29: -- 130607 1148 1300 1151 2+ 5RK38 A118
30: -- 130607 1148 1225 1151 2 5SY46 A118
31: -- 130607 1148 1300 1151 2+ 5CF78 A118
32: -- 130610 1423 1452 1425 1+ 1CV20 A118
33: 40 130610 1422 1450 1425 1+ 1QD22 A118
34: -- 130610 1423 1444 1425 1 1CF78 A118
35: -- 130617 0800 0830 0805 1+ 1CV20 A118
36: 40 130617 0757 0915 0810 2+ 1QD22 A118
37: -- 130617 0759 0920 0810 2+ 1CF78 A118
38: -- 130618 0712 0740 0720 1+ 2CV20 A118
39: 40 130618 0705 0750 0719 2 2QD22 A118
40: -- 130618 0702 0755 0720 2+ 1CF78 A118
41: -- 130619 0722 0810 0728 2+ 5BZ20 A118
42: -- 130619 0722 0810 0728 2+ 5CV20 A118
43: 40 130619 0722 0807 0728 2 5QD22 A118
44: -- 130619 0723U0743 0728 1 3AA24 A118
45: -- 130619 0725 0815 0728 2+ 3BB27 A118
46: -- 130619 0723 0815 0728 2+ 5CF78 A118
47: -- 130619 0936 1140 0942 3 5CV20 A118
48: 40 130619 0935 1115 0942 3 5QD22 A118
49: -- 130619 0936U1145 0942 3+ 5HO23 A118
50: -- 130619 0935 1115 0943 3 5AA24 A118
51: -- 130619 0935 1145 0942 3+ 5BB27 A118
52: -- 130619 0938 1145 0943 3+ 5CF78 A118
53: -- 130620 0917 0940 0920 1 4CV20 A118
54: 40 130620 0917 0945 0920 1+ 5QD22 A118
55: -- 130620 0917 0945 0920 1+ 3HO23 A118
56: -- 130620 0917 0945 0920 1+ 3AA24 A118
57: -- 130620 0917 0935 0920 1- 3BB27 A118
58: -- 130620 0918 0955 0922 2 3CF78 A118
59: 40 130620 1555 1627 1600 1+ 3QD22 A118
60: -- 130621 0910 0926D0917 1- 2CV20 A118
61: 40 130621 0910 0926D0917 1- 2QD22 A118
62: -- 130621 0910 0926D0917 1- 2HO23 A118
63: -- 130621 0910 0926D0917 1- 1AA24 A118
64: -- 130621 0910 0926D0917 1- 2BB27 A118
65: -- 130621 0926 1015 0931 2+ 4CV20 A118
66: 40 130621 0926 1000 0931 2 4QD22 A118
67: -- 130621 0926 1000 0931 2 4HO23 A118
68: -- 130621 0926 0955 0931 1+ 4AA24 A118
69: -- 130621 0926 0955 0931 1+ 4BB27 A118
70: 40 130622 0905 0930 0909 1 3QD22 A118
71: -- 130624 0822 0855 0823 2 5CV20 A118
72: 40 130624 0822 0855 0823 2 5QD22 A118
73: -- 130624 0822 0855 0823 2 5HO23 A118
74: -- 130624 0822 0845 0823 1 5AA24 A118
75: -- 130624 0822 0850 0823 1+ 5BB27 A118
76: -- 130624 0822 0840 0823 1- 4SY46 A118
77: -- 130624 0822 0855 0823 2 5CF78 A118
78: -- 130624 1331 1225 1333 3+ 5CV20 A118
79: 40 130624 1330 1245 1332 3+ 5QD22 A118
80: -- 130624 1331 1223D1333 3+ 5HO23 A118
81: -- 130624 1331 1205D1333 3+ 5AA24 A118
82: -- 130624 1331 1320 1333 3+ 5BB27 A118
83: -- 130624 1331 1202D1333 3+ 5SY46 A118
84: -- 130624 1331 1255 1333 3+ 5CF78 A118
85: 40 130624 1637 1700 1641 1 4QD22 A118
86: 40 130627 0812 0830 0814 1- 3QD22 A118
87: -- 130627 0812 0830 0814 1- 3CF78 A118
88: -- 130627 1157 1226 1201 1+ 4CV20 A118
89: 40 130627 1157 1230 1200 2 4QD22 A118
90: -- 130627 1157 1225 1202 1+ 2HO23 A118
91: -- 130627 1157 1235 1203 2 2AA24 A118
92: -- 130627 1157 1230 1203 2 2BB27 A118
93: 40 130628 1653 1745 1658 2+ 4QD22 A118
94: -- 130628 1653 1730 1700 2 2HO23 A118
95: -- 130628 1653 1730 1700 2 2AA24 A118
96: -- 130628 1653 1745 1700 2+ 2BB27 A118
97: -- 130628 1653 1755 1702 2+ 2CF78 A118
98: 40 130629 1607 1624 1610 1- 2QD22 A118
99: 40 130630 0913 0950 0919 2 3QD22 A118
100: -- 130630 0913 0940 0921 1+ 2CF78 A118
101: 40 130630 1515 1600 1517 2 4QD22 A118
102: -- 130630 1515 1600 1517 2 3HO23 A118
103: -- 130630 1515 1550 1517 2 3AA24 A118
104: -- 130630 1515 1550 1517 2 1SY46 A118
105: -- 130630 1515 1600 1517 2 3CF78 A118

23 événements.

Event Event 1: 03-Jun-13 - monitoring of QD22 by observer A118
Start: 07:07 UTC
Max: 07:15 UTC
End: 08:40 UTC
Duration: 93 minutes (Importance: 3)
Confidence: 5 Confidence: Definite (5)
Graphe détaillé événement n°1.
Cliquez pour agrandir.
Event Event 2: 05-Jun-13 - monitoring of QD22 by observer A118
Start: 08:15 UTC
Max: 08:37 UTC
End: 10:15 UTC
Duration: 120 minutes (Importance: 3)
Confidence: 5 Confidence: Definite (5)
Graphe détaillé événement n°2.
Cliquez pour agrandir.
Event Event 3: 07-Jun-13 - monitoring of QD22 by observer A118
Start: 09:28 UTC
Max: 09:40 UTC
End: 10:05 UTC
Duration: 37 minutes (Importance: 2)
Confidence: 3 Confidence: Reasonable (3)
Graphe détaillé événement n°3.
Cliquez pour agrandir.
Event Event 4: 07-Jun-13 - monitoring of QD22 by observer A118
Start: 11:48 UTC
Max: 11:50 UTC
End: 13:00 UTC
Duration: 72 minutes (Importance: 2+)
Confidence: 5 Confidence: Definite (5)
Graphe détaillé événement n°4.
Cliquez pour agrandir.
Event Event 5: 10-Jun-13 - monitoring of QD22 by observer A118
Start: 14:22 UTC
Max: 14:25 UTC
End: 14:50 UTC
Duration: 28 minutes (Importance: 1+)
Confidence: 1 Confidence: Possible (1)
Graphe détaillé événement n°5.
Cliquez pour agrandir.
Event Event 6: 17-Jun-13 - monitoring of QD22 by observer A118
Start: 07:57 UTC
Max: 08:10 UTC
End: 09:15 UTC
Duration: 78 minutes (Importance: 2+)
Confidence: 1 Confidence: Possible (1)
Graphe détaillé événement n°6.
Cliquez pour agrandir.
Event Event 7: 18-Jun-13 - monitoring of QD22 by observer A118
Start: 07:05 UTC
Max: 07:19 UTC
End: 07:50 UTC
Duration: 45 minutes (Importance: 2)
Confidence: 2 Confidence: Fair (2)
Graphe détaillé événement n°7.
Cliquez pour agrandir.
Event Event 8: 19-Jun-13 - monitoring of QD22 by observer A118
Start: 07:22 UTC
Max: 07:28 UTC
End: 08:07 UTC
Duration: 45 minutes (Importance: 2)
Confidence: 5 Confidence: Definite (5)
Graphe détaillé événement n°8.
Cliquez pour agrandir.
Event Event 9: 19-Jun-13 - monitoring of QD22 by observer A118
Start: 09:35 UTC
Max: 09:42 UTC
End: 11:15 UTC
Duration: 100 minutes (Importance: 3)
Confidence: 5 Confidence: Definite (5)
Graphe détaillé événement n°9.
Cliquez pour agrandir.
Event Event 10: 20-Jun-13 - monitoring of QD22 by observer A118
Start: 09:17 UTC
Max: 09:20 UTC
End: 09:45 UTC
Duration: 28 minutes (Importance: 1+)
Confidence: 5 Confidence: Definite (5)
Graphe détaillé événement n°10.
Cliquez pour agrandir.
Event Event 11: 20-Jun-13 - monitoring of QD22 by observer A118
Start: 15:55 UTC
Max: 16:00 UTC
End: 16:27 UTC
Duration: 32 minutes (Importance: 1+)
Confidence: 3 Confidence: Reasonable (3)
Graphe détaillé événement n°11.
Cliquez pour agrandir.
Event Event 12: 21-Jun-13 - monitoring of QD22 by observer A118
Start: 09:10 UTC
Max: 09:17 UTC
End: after 09:26 UTC
Duration: 16 minutes (Importance: 1-)
Confidence: 2 Confidence: Fair (2)
Graphe détaillé événement n°12.
Cliquez pour agrandir.
Event Event 13: 21-Jun-13 - monitoring of QD22 by observer A118
Start: 09:26 UTC
Max: 09:31 UTC
End: 10:00 UTC
Duration: 34 minutes (Importance: 2)
Confidence: 4 Confidence: Reasonably Definite (4)
Graphe détaillé événement n°13.
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Event Event 14: 22-Jun-13 - monitoring of QD22 by observer A118
Start: 09:05 UTC
Max: 09:09 UTC
End: 09:30 UTC
Duration: 25 minutes (Importance: 1)
Confidence: 3 Confidence: Reasonable (3)
Graphe détaillé événement n°14.
Cliquez pour agrandir.
Event Event 15: 24-Jun-13 - monitoring of QD22 by observer A118
Start: 08:22 UTC
Max: 08:23 UTC
End: 08:55 UTC
Duration: 33 minutes (Importance: 2)
Confidence: 5 Confidence: Definite (5)
Graphe détaillé événement n°15.
Cliquez pour agrandir.
Event Event 16: 24-Jun-13 - monitoring of QD22 by observer A118
Start: 13:30 UTC
Max: 13:32 UTC
End: 12:45 UTC
Duration: 1395 minutes (Importance: 3+)
Confidence: 5 Confidence: Definite (5)
Graphe détaillé événement n°16.
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Event Event 17: 24-Jun-13 - monitoring of QD22 by observer A118
Start: 16:37 UTC
Max: 16:41 UTC
End: 17:00 UTC
Duration: 23 minutes (Importance: 1)
Confidence: 4 Confidence: Reasonably Definite (4)
Graphe détaillé événement n°17.
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Event Event 18: 27-Jun-13 - monitoring of QD22 by observer A118
Start: 08:12 UTC
Max: 08:14 UTC
End: 08:30 UTC
Duration: 18 minutes (Importance: 1-)
Confidence: 3 Confidence: Reasonable (3)
Graphe détaillé événement n°18.
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Event Event 19: 27-Jun-13 - monitoring of QD22 by observer A118
Start: 11:57 UTC
Max: 12:00 UTC
End: 12:30 UTC
Duration: 33 minutes (Importance: 2)
Confidence: 4 Confidence: Reasonably Definite (4)
Graphe détaillé événement n°19.
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Event Event 20: 28-Jun-13 - monitoring of QD22 by observer A118
Start: 16:53 UTC
Max: 16:58 UTC
End: 17:45 UTC
Duration: 52 minutes (Importance: 2+)
Confidence: 4 Confidence: Reasonably Definite (4)
Graphe détaillé événement n°20.
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Event Event 21: 29-Jun-13 - monitoring of QD22 by observer A118
Start: 16:07 UTC
Max: 16:10 UTC
End: 16:24 UTC
Duration: 17 minutes (Importance: 1-)
Confidence: 2 Confidence: Fair (2)
Graphe détaillé événement n°21.
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Event Event 22: 30-Jun-13 - monitoring of QD22 by observer A118
Start: 09:13 UTC
Max: 09:19 UTC
End: 09:50 UTC
Duration: 37 minutes (Importance: 2)
Confidence: 3 Confidence: Reasonable (3)
Graphe détaillé événement n°22.
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Event Event 23: 30-Jun-13 - monitoring of QD22 by observer A118
Start: 15:15 UTC
Max: 15:17 UTC
End: 16:00 UTC
Duration: 45 minutes (Importance: 2)
Confidence: 4 Confidence: Reasonably Definite (4)
Graphe détaillé événement n°23.
Cliquez pour agrandir.
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