SIDmonitor software

SID monitor is a utility for SID monitoring stations. It has been designed to automate as much as possible the data acquisition and storage tasks, so that the user can focus on data analysis.

SID Monitor Software Overview

SID monitor acquires digital data from a VLF receiver. Up to 16 channels can be monitored simultaneously.
Each channel signal level is periodically sampled and stored in a database. To that purpose, SID monitor embeds RRDTool data logging and graphing application. All RRDTool low-level database management and graph generation commands are automatically handled by SID monitor.

RRDTool also includes an aberrant behavior detection algorithm. This feature is currently experimental; the configuration is the algorithm being very delicate. Well configured, this algorithm can be used to warn the user of potential SID detection. Warning messages can be sent by email. It is important to recall that no automaitc event detection is possible. Careful visual analysis of the data is required before generating the report data file.

Monthly snapshots of the database are done.

SIDmonitor also include help for generating monthly reports which format is compliant with the NGDC (National Geophysical Data Center) as required by the AAVSO (American Association of Variable Star Observers) for reducing data gathered by all VLF monitoring systems.

SIDmonitor automatically downloads the X-ray flux measurements from primary and secondary satellites. As a comparison means, those values can be plotted on the signal level graphs.

You can download here the documentation corresponding to the current release of SIDmonitor:

HTML file  SID Monitor Help Online version View SID Monitor Help CHM file
CHM file  SID Monitor Help CHM format Download SID Monitor Help CHM file (application/octet-stream, 972Kb, 24 Apr 2011)
PDF file  SID Monitor Help PDF format Download SID Monitor Help PDF file (application/pdf, 3885Kb, 24 Apr 2011)

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Creative Commons License SID monitoring station by Lionel LOUDET is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Last Update: 24 Apr 2011
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