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News of the year 2024

Happy New Year 2024
01 Jan 2024 00:00 UTC
I wish you and your loved ones a peaceful and Happy New Year!

News of the year 2023

Happy New Year 2023
01 Jan 2023 00:00 UTC
I wish you and your loved ones a peaceful and Happy New Year!

News of the year 2022

Happy New Year 2022
01 Jan 2022 00:00 UTC
I wish you and your loved ones a peaceful and Happy New Year!

News of the year 2021

Happy New Year 2021
01 Jan 2021 00:00 UTC
I wish you and your loved ones a peaceful and Happy New Year!

News of the year 2020

Happy New Year 2020
01 Jan 2020 00:00 UTC
I wish you and your loved ones a peaceful and Happy New Year!

News of the year 2019

Happy New Year 2019
01 Jan 2019 00:00 UTC
I wish you and your loved ones a peaceful and Happy New Year!

News of the year 2018

Happy New Year 2018
01 Jan 2018 00:00 UTC
I wish you and your loved ones a peaceful and Happy New Year!

News of the year 2017

Fix of some faulty website pages
05 Jan 2017 09:24 UTC
Thanks to those who informed me of some pages not showing properly. They are now fixed.
Update of solar activity page
01 Jan 2017 16:43 UTC
Solar activity data (sunspots, X-ray and optical flares, X-ray flux) are updated with 2016 data.
Happy New Year 2017
01 Jan 2017 00:00 UTC
I wish you and your loved ones a peaceful and Happy New Year!

News of the year 2016

Website switched to HTTPS
27 Dec 2016 18:32 UTC
The sidstation has moved to secure and encrypted web communicatrions using the HTTPS protocol.
Update of Solar Activity page
28 Feb 2016 09:42 UTC
Solar Activity plots are updated. They reflect now the new Sunspot Number scale that is in use since mid-2015.
Update of Events Reports
27 Feb 2016 23:31 UTC
Reports are updated with events images that were missing since a few months.
Happy New Year 2016
01 Jan 2016 00:00 UTC
I wish you and your loved ones a peaceful and Happy New Year!

News of the year 2015

Happy New Year 2015
01 Jan 2015 00:00 UTC
I wish you and your loved ones a peaceful and Happy New Year!

News of the year 2014

GOES data availability
30 Dec 2014 09:05 UTC
After SWPC has updated the structure and content of their website, GOES x-ray flux and events were no longer shown. They are now back.

News of the year 2013

SID receiver circuit boards are out of stock
30 Jun 2013 14:35 UTC
Production of another batch is not planned.
Fix of a bug in the data plot
11 May 2013 21:19 UTC
A problem in a script could limit the number of displayed data channels. This problem is now corrected and all nine channels can be shown on the same graph.
Update of the list of Time Stations
10 May 2013 17:50 UTC
The Time Signal Stations kml file (Google Earth) was updated with new stations.
Solar Activity Plots evolutions
07 May 2013 22:20 UTC
Several changes were done to the solar activity page to improve the graphs clarity. Also, a new plot showing the sunspot number was added.

News of the year 2012

GOES Primary Satellite Change
26 Nov 2012 08:15 UTC
GOES-15 Returns as Primary X-ray Sensor. The X-ray measurements shown on this site account for this change that took place on November 19, 2012.
GOES Primary Satellite Change
02 Nov 2012 11:55 UTC
GOES 14 replaced GOES 15 as the Primary SWPC GOES X-ray Satellite. The X-ray measurements shown on this site account for this change that took place on October 23, 2012.
Flares Identification
12 May 2012 14:35 UTC
The GOES measurement display is now enriched with a label for each flare. This feature can be removed in the GOES settings window.
Altering of the vertical range of the signal level plot
05 Feb 2012 19:40 UTC
A new slider is available in the option tab to alter the signal level plot vertical scale. Thanks to Anton for the suggestion.
Happy New Year 2012
01 Jan 2012 00:00 UTC
I wish you and your loved ones a peaceful and Happy New Year!

News of the year 2011

SID Monitor v1.3.1 Available
24 Apr 2011 08:45 UTC
Version 1.3.1 of SID Monitor is now available. This version fix a few minor bugs.
Description of SID receiver updated (v1.1)
23 Apr 2011 17:40 UTC
The SID receiver description has been updated. This new version (v1.1) adds a USB interface and some other new functionality.
Release of SID station software scripts at version 1.0.0
23 Apr 2011 17:35 UTC
A set of software scripts for a SID monitoring station has been released at version 1.0.0.
SID Monitor v1.3.0 Available
17 Apr 2011 20:15 UTC
Version 1.3.0 of SID Monitor is now available. This version fix a few bugs and offers enhanced support of USB/serial adapters.
SID receiver PCBs: end of orders
13 Apr 2011 21:50 UTC
Orders for the SID receiver circuit board are now closed. Thanks to all who were interested.
SID receiver PCBs
04 Apr 2011 18:55 UTC
Orders for the SID receiver circuit board are accepted till April 13, 2011.
SunAzimuth software
06 Mar 2011 22:05 UTC
A new application, SunAzimuth, is available. It calculates sunrise and sunset times, as well as the azimuth of the sun at sunrise and sunset.
Release of SunTimes
26 Feb 2011 20:20 UTC
The SunTimes application has been updated with minor corrections. Functionalities are unchanged.
SID receiver PCBs
23 Feb 2011 21:52 UTC
Further to requests of some visitors, I propose to have some receiver PCB made by a PCB manufacturer. If you are interested, please contact me.
SID Monitor v1.2.0 Available
22 Feb 2011 23:45 UTC
Version 1.2.0 of SID Monitor is now available. The downloading of the GOES X-ray flux has been adapted to the changes made on the Space Weather Prediction Center servers.
Happy New Year 2011
01 Jan 2011 00:00 UTC
I wish you and your loved ones a very Happy New Year!

News of the year 2010

fft software
16 Dec 2010 23:25 UTC
A new tool is available in the "Utilities" section.
fft calculates Fast Fourier Transforms.
envelope software
11 Dec 2010 09:15 UTC
A new tool is available in the "Utilities" section.
envelope calculates upper and lower envelopes of a dataset.
GOES Primary Satellite Change
07 Dec 2010 23:05 UTC
The SWPC (Space Weather Prediction Center) has posted on its website the following information related to GOES X-ray data measurements:

GOES 15 Designated Primary X-ray Satellite

October 28, 2010 -- GOES 15 replaced GOES 14 as the Primary SWPC GOES
X-ray Satellite. GOES 14 is being moved into storage. There is no
Secondary SWPC GOES X-ray satellite.

The X-ray measurements shown on this site account for this change that took place on October 27, 2010.
All measurements shown on a linear scale
11 Oct 2010 22:05 UTC
So far, only DHO38 was displayed on a linear scale, the other channels were using a log scale in dB. Now, all channels are displayed on a linear scale.
Data acquisition resumed
10 Oct 2010 21:35 UTC
Data acquisition is resuming progressively. Fine tuning is being done.
Station temporarily unavailable
27 Sep 2010 14:00 UTC
Data acquisition and web server will be stopped for a few weeks during my move. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Yearly evolution of the signal amplitude
18 Apr 2010 14:10 UTC
Graphical and video representations of the evolution of the signal levels during a whole year are now available for all channels.
Happy New Year 2010
01 Jan 2010 14:15 UTC
I wish you and your loved ones a very Happy New Year!

News of the year 2009

GreatCircle and LocConverter software
28 Dec 2009 15:55 UTC
Two new tools are available in the "Utilities" section:
  • GreatCircle caculates distance and bearing betweeen two locations on Earth, as well as the location of the subreflective points on the path.
  • LocConverter converts coordinates between the Maidenhead locator system and latitude/longitude.
Addition of yearly plots
19 Dec 2009 22:45 UTC
A new tab gives access to a yearly representation of the evolution of the signal levels of DHO38 for the years 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009.
Empirical Mode Decomposition of VLF measurements
14 Dec 2009 06:22 UTC
A new option allows to display the EMD of the VLF signals measurements.
Application of Empirical Mode Decomposition to the detection of Sudden Ionospheric Disturbances
05 Dec 2009 22:12 UTC
The author has written a paper on the application of Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) to the detection of Sudden Ionospheric Disturbances (SIDs). The results suggest a greater confidence in the detection of the events and a reduction of the detection limit from C1 to B5. A methodology for determining precisely the disturbance timing is also proposed.
Release of SunTimes
03 Dec 2009 19:12 UTC
The SunTimes application has been updated to add a new time display format and to fix bad handling of unix filenames.
Release of SunAltitude
03 Dec 2009 19:10 UTC
The SunAltitude application has been updated to fix bad handling of unix filenames.
GOES Primary Satellite Change
02 Dec 2009 21:45 UTC
The SWPC (Space Weather Prediction Center) has posted on its website the following information related to GOES X-ray data measurements:

GOES 10 Decommissioning Dec 1, 2009 -- GOES 14 Becomes Primary Satellite for XRS data
No Secondary Satellite for X-rays or Electrons and Protons

November 17, 2009: On Tuesday, 01 December, the GOES 10 satellite will be officially decommissioned. At that time, GOES 14 will replace GOES 10 as the Primary SWPC GOES X-ray Satellite.
The GOES 10 and GOES 14 XRS instruments have very different electronics and
therefore, there will be some qualitative changes in the appearance of the
data. The main difference will be the level of noise in the data at the
lowest values. When the background levels are low (less than 2E-8 W/m2 or
A2.0), the GOES 10 data looks flat and the steps are very abrupt. At these
low flux levels, the GOES 14 data will be quite noisy. As the x-ray flux
levels rise up above 2E-8, the noise will decrease and the plots will look
very similar to the GOES 10 data.

The X-ray measurements shown on this site account for this change that took place on December 1, 2009.
8 additional VLF channels!
23 Nov 2009 21:55 UTC
In addition to DHO38, a multichannel receiver is now running.
Eight additional channels are available: GBZ, ICV, GQD, NAA, TBB, NRK, NSY and DCF77.
Significant changes to the server have been done. Data management is now made by MySQL. Data acquisition is done through Perl scripts.
Those new channels should ease PIDB correlation and increase the daily observing period.
GRBlocator updated to v1.0.1.0
06 Mar 2009 21:25 UTC
Further to a comment (thanks Jean-Jacques!), an option has been added to GRBlocator software to enable or disable the calculation of atmospheric refraction.
Release of GRBlocator v1.0.0.0
01 Mar 2009 22:30 UTC
GRBlocator is a new software that helps determine the visibility of a GRB at the sub-reflective point of the path between an transmitter and a station monitoring VLF signals propagation.

News of the year 2008

Addition of a page on the signal-to-noise ratio of loop antennas
23 Sep 2008 16:00 UTC
The site has been updated with a page dedicated to loop antenna noise levels at VLF frequencies and calculations of SNR obtained with several antennas configurations.
GOES Primary and Secondary Satellite Change
12 Feb 2008 12:00 UTC
The SWPC (Space Weather Prediction Center) has posted on its website the following information related to GOES X-ray data measurements:

GOES-10 X-ray Data Returns
GOES-11 Xray Data LOST

February 12, 2008 -- GOES-10 data has resumed and GOES-10 has been designed the SWPC primary GOES Satellite for X-ray data.
GOES-11 Xray Data has become unavailable and is not expected to return.
GOES-11 Data Lists ended on Feb 10, 2008.
GOES-11 Data Lists have been discontinued.

The X-ray measurements shown on this site account for this change that took place on February 12, 2008.
Happy New Year 2008
01 Jan 2008 00:00 UTC
I wish you and your loved ones a very Happy New Year!

News of the year 2007

Website update: Radio Noise and Antenna Theory
28 Dec 2007 20:15 UTC
The website has been updated with some more theoretical additions:
  • a page describing the radio noise
  • mathematical description and SPICE simulations of the antenna theory, applicable to air-core and ferrite-core loops
Website update: Solar Activity and VLF transmitters list
06 Dec 2007 17:45 UTC
The website has been updated with the following additions:
GOES Primary and Secondary Satellite Change
27 Nov 2007 12:00 UTC
The SEC (Space Environment Center) has posted on its website the following information related to GOES X-ray data measurements:

GOES-12 X-ray Lists End
November 27, 2007 -- the GOES-12 X-ray list has been discontinued because the X-ray sensor is not operating.

The X-ray measurements shown on this site account for this change that took place on November 27, 2007.
Real-time data back online
27 Apr 2007 19:55 UTC
The real-time measurements are now available again! Thanks for your patience.
GOES Primary and Secondary Satellite Change
14 Apr 2007 12:00 UTC
The SEC (Space Environment Center) has posted on its website the following information related to GOES X-ray data measurements:

GOES Primary and Secondary Satellite Change
GOES 11 Primary, GOES 10 Secondary

Due to an anomaly on the GOES 12 X-ray Sensor (XRS) no GOES 12 X-ray data
has been available at SEC since April 12, 2250 UTC. SEC has changed its
Primary and Secondary X-ray satellite designations to GOES 11 Primary and
GOES 10 Secondary.

There may be minor differences between GOES XRS sensors but the differences
should not affect products.

For now GOES X-ray data files will be created for all three GOES satellites,
GOES 11, GOES 10, and GOES 12 in case GOES 12 data is available again.

The X-ray measurements shown on this site account for this change that took place on April 12, 2007 at 22:50 UTC.
Website Maintenance
12 Apr 2007 20:11 UTC
Due to a relocation of the station, the real-time data may be available for a few days or weeks during the month of April 2007. The monitoring remains full-time operational and all data measurements are archived. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Change of VLF receiver gain
13 Jan 2007 06:30 UTC
On Jan 02, DHO38 has resumed transmission and signals are being received since then with a very high amplitude. The gain of the VLF receiver has been reduced to avoid overloads of the ADC converter. The change is effective at about 06:00 UTC on January, 13th 2007.
Happy New Year
01 Jan 2007 00:00 UTC
I wish you and your loved ones a very Happy New Year! Among the New Year Resolutions, one is to spend some time to finalize the version 2 of the SIDmonitor software... This version will include significant enhancements and additional functionalities, including a software multichannel VLF receiver based on the PC sound card.

News of the year 2006

Change of VLF receiver gain
07 Dec 2006 20:30 UTC
The signal level of DHO38 being very low since mid of October 2006 (frequently lower than 1V at midday), I have decided to increase the gain of the VLF receiver to make a better use of the signal level ADC converter. The change is effective at about 20:00 UTC on December, 7th 2006.
Fix of a bug preventing file download
01 Nov 2006 08:00 UTC
A bug in the website was leading to corruption of some file downloads. It was affecting download of reports, receiver schematics and software builds. This has been fixed and download functionality should now work correctly. Do not hesitate to send me comments if you detect some more problems. Sorry for the inconvenience.
The station has received AAVSO observer ID A118.
24 Jul 2006 20:00 UTC
The SID monitoring station has now received the observer code A118 from the AAVSO SID Program. Data submission will start in July 2006.
SID Monitor v1.1.0 Available
12 Jul 2006 19:30 UTC
Version 1.1.0 of SID Monitor is now available. It has the capability to download of GOES-11 X-ray measurements in addition to GOES-10 and GOES-12.
It also includes several bug fixes and robustness code changes in the 'Generate Report' and 'View Report' windows.
GOES Spacecraft Change
08 Jul 2006 09:15 UTC
The SEC has announced Secondary GOES Spacecraft Change. Refer to SEC Info for details. GOES-10 has been replaced by GOES-11 since the 22nd of June 06.
A new version of SID Monitor is currently under test to support update of GOES-10, 11 and 12 spacecrafts.
Graph and News Feeds are available!
07 Jul 2006 20:00 UTC
SID Monitoring Station web site offers now Graph and News feeds.
The News feed provides access to information and announcements related to the Station such as software updates or Web site major changes. The Graph feed provides access to a daily graph displaying the station measurements.
Both are available in Atom 1.0 and RSS 2.0 formats.
Creative Commons License SID monitoring station by Lionel LOUDET is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Last Update: 31 May 2013
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