VLF Stations List

Here is a list of VLF transmitters suitable for SID monitoring. Unless otherwise stated, they transmit almost 24/7. Those stations are used either as a communication means with submarines or for time signal.

This list is a synthesis of several sources and may contain obsolete or erroneous information.
Do not hesitate to contact me Contact the webmaster  for any addition or correction.

Last Update: 31 Jul 2023

Call signNotesFrequencyLocationLatitudeLongitudeAerial View
VTX116300South Vijayanarayanam, India
Locator: MJ88vj
N 08° 23' 13.25"
E 077° 45' 9.94"
Google Maps Windows Live Local 
JXN(1)16400Novik, Norway
Locator: JP66wx
N 66° 58' 27.67"
E 013° 52' 25.02"
Google Maps Windows Live Local 
VTX217000South Vijayanarayanam, India
Locator: MJ88vj
N 08° 23' 13.25"
E 077° 45' 9.94"
Google Maps Windows Live Local 
SAQ(2)17200Grimeton, Sweden
Locator: JO67ec
N 57° 06' 47.42"
E 012° 23' 50.20"
Google Maps Windows Live Local 
Locator: ------
- --° --' --.--"
- ---° --' --.--"
VTX318200South Vijayanarayanam, India
Locator: MJ88vj
N 08° 23' 13.25"
E 077° 45' 9.94"
Google Maps Windows Live Local 
VTX419200South Vijayanarayanam, India
Locator: MJ88vj
N 08° 23' 13.25"
E 077° 45' 9.94"
Google Maps Windows Live Local 
GBZ19580Anthorn, UK
Locator: IO84iv
N 54° 54' 41.91"
W 003° 16' 42.44"
Google Maps Windows Live Local 
NWC19800Harold E. Holt, North West Cape, Exmouth, Australia
Locator: OG78be
S 21° 48' 58.78"
E 114° 09' 56.11"
Google Maps Windows Live Local 
ICV20270Isola di Tavolara, Italy
Locator: JN40uw
N 40° 55' 23.26"
E 009° 43' 51.64"
Google Maps Windows Live Local 
Sainte-Assise, France
Locator: JN18gn
N 48° 32' 40.68"
E 002° 34' 45.94"
Google Maps Windows Live Local 
NPM21400Lualualei, Maili, Oahu, HI
Locator: BL01wk
N 21° 25' 12.60"
W 158° 09' 4.10"
Google Maps Windows Live Local 
Rosnay, France
Locator: JN06or
N 46° 42' 47.26"
E 001° 14' 42.89"
Google Maps Windows Live Local 
GQD22100Skelton, UK
Locator: IO84nr
N 54° 43' 54.48"
W 002° 52' 58.92"
Google Maps Windows Live Local 
NDT22200Ebino, Japan
Locator: PM52jb
N 32° 04' 55.50"
E 130° 49' 40.66"
Google Maps Windows Live Local 
DHO38(6)23400Rhauderfehn, Germany
Locator: JO33tb
N 53° 04' 44.04"
E 007° 36' 54.00"
Google Maps Windows Live Local 
NAA24000Cutler, ME
Locator: FN64ip
N 44° 38' 41.77"
W 067° 16' 53.90"
Google Maps Windows Live Local 
NLK24800Oso Wash, Jim Creek, WA
Locator: CN98ae
N 48° 12' 12.55"
W 121° 55' 0.58"
Google Maps Windows Live Local 
unid2525000Mokpo, South Korea
Locator: PM34fq
N 34° 40' 44.65"
E 126° 26' 43.38"
Google Maps Windows Live Local 
NML(7)25200La Moure, ND
Locator: EN06ti
N 46° 21' 57.56"
W 098° 20' 8.30"
Google Maps Windows Live Local 
TBB26700Bafa, Turkey
Locator: KM37pj
N 37° 24' 45.81"
E 027° 19' 24.03"
Google Maps Windows Live Local 
NRK/TFK37500Grindavik, Iceland
Locator: HP83su
N 63° 51' 1.31"
W 022° 28' 0.38"
Google Maps Windows Live Local 
JJY-40(8)40000Mount Ootakadoya, Fukushima prefecture, Japan
Locator: QM07ki
N 37° 22' 21.35"
E 140° 50' 56.06"
Google Maps Windows Live Local 
SRC40400Varberg, Sweden
Locator: JO67ec
N 57° 06' 47.42"
E 012° 23' 50.20"
Google Maps Windows Live Local 
NAU40800Aguada, Puerto Rico
Locator: FK68jj
N 18° 23' 55.54"
W 067° 10' 39.36"
Google Maps Windows Live Local 
NSY45900Niscemi, Italy
Locator: JM77fd
N 37° 07' 32.37"
E 014° 26' 11.10"
Google Maps Windows Live Local 
SXA49000Marathon, Greece
Locator: KM28ad
N 38° 08' 42.61"
E 024° 01' 10.95"
Google Maps Windows Live Local 
GYW151950Crimond, UK
Locator: IO97bo
N 57° 37' 2.87"
W 001° 53' 15.34"
Google Maps Windows Live Local 
MSF(9)60000Anthorn, UK
Locator: IO84iv
N 54° 54' 40.30"
W 003° 16' 45.49"
Google Maps Windows Live Local 
WWVB(10)60000Fort Collins, Colorado
Locator: DN70lq
N 40° 40' 39.80"
W 105° 02' 49.75"
Google Maps Windows Live Local 
JJY-60(11)60000Mount Hagane, Fukuoka prefecture, Japan
Locator: PM53cl
N 33° 27' 55.56"
E 130° 10' 31.49"
Google Maps Windows Live Local 
FUG62600La Régine, France
Locator: JN13bj
N 43° 23' 12.47"
E 002° 05' 50.60"
Google Maps Windows Live Local 
FUE65800Kerlouan, France
Locator: IN78tp
N 48° 38' 15.62"
W 004° 21' 2.61"
Google Maps Windows Live Local 
BPC(12)68500Shangqiu, Henan Province, China
Locator: OM74wk
N 34° 27' 23.47"
E 115° 50' 12.97"
Google Maps Windows Live Local 
CFH73600Halifax, Canada
Locator: FN84ax
N 44° 58' 2.19"
W 063° 58' 55.78"
Google Maps Windows Live Local 
DCF77(13)77500Mainflingen, Germany
Locator: JO40ma
N 50° 00' 55.48"
E 009° 00' 29.90"
Google Maps Windows Live Local 
GYN281000Inskip, UK
Locator: IO83nt
N 53° 49' 48.26"
W 002° 50' 3.36"
Google Maps Windows Live Local 

(1) : JXN is transmitting 6 times a day, each transmission 2 hours: 00:00-02:00, 04:00-06:00, 8:00-10:00, 12:00-14:00, 16:00-18:00, 20:00-22:00 UTC.
(2) : Historic station only active twice-yearly on special occasions. SAQ website: SAQ
(3) : Sporadic transmissions. Transmitter location varies and for most of them is unknown. Candidate sites are: Krasnodar; Nizhniy Novgorod; Arkhangelsk; Tashkent, Uzbekistan; Molodechno, Belarus; Kalinigrad.
(4) : 16.8kHz is seldom used
(5) : HWU alternates between 18.3kHz, 19.1kHz, 21.75kHz and 22.6kHz. 15.1kHz is seldom used
(6) : Off-air daily from 7:00 to 8:00 UTC.
(7) : Off-air on Tuesdays from 12:00 to 19:00 UTC.
(8) : Time Signal. 50kW/12.5kW ERP. JJY-40 website: JJY-40
(9) : Time Signal. 17kW ERP. MSF website: MSF
(10) : Time Signal. 65kW ERP. WWVB website: WWVB
(11) : Time Signal. 50kW/22.5kW ERP JJY-60 website: JJY-60
(12) : Time Signal. Active 0000-2100 UTC. BPC website: BPC
(13) : Time Signal. 30KW ERP. DCF77 website: DCF77

Here are some KML files of the above transmitters. These files can be viewed using Google Earth Google Earth.
In order to get updates to those files, give Google Earth the link and not a local copy of the kml file.

Google Earth VLF transmittersVLF transmitters KML file download(application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml, 31Kb, 31 Jul 2023)
Google Earth Time Signal transmittersTime Signal transmitters KML file download(application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml, 14Kb, 23 May 2013)

Other VLF Stations

For information, here are lists of other transmitters operating in the VLF or LF frequency range.
They usually cannot be used for SID monitoring: several transmitters could share the same frequency or a given transmitter could use several frequencies. Moreover, some of those satations are off air.

In order to get updates to those files, give Google Earth the link and not a local copy of the kml file.

Google Earth ALPHA (RSDN-20) transmittersALPHA transmitters KML file download(application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml, 1Kb, 01 Apr 2012)
Google Earth Former OMEGA transmittersOMEGA transmitters KML file download(application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml, 3Kb, 10 Dec 2010)
Google Earth LORAN-C transmittersLORAN-C transmitters KML file download(application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml, 56Kb, 10 Dec 2010)
Creative Commons License SID monitoring station by Lionel LOUDET is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Last Update: 23 Nov 2019
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