-- SID Monitor Overview
-- Installation
-- Graphical User Interface
--- Menubar
--- Graph Area
--- Date Tab
--- Channels Tab
--- GOES Tab
--- Message Pane
--- Status Bar
--- Notification Icon
--- Options
---- Options Startup
---- Options Data Acquisition
---- Options Channels
---- Options Database
---- Options Forecast
---- Options Graph
---- Options Report and Alert
---- Options Location
--- Reapply Algorithm Parameters
--- Generate Report
--- View Report
--- Sunrise and Sunset times calculator
--- About information box
-- FAQ
--- FAQ Reports
--- FAQ Databases
--- FAQ Forecast
-- Licence
-- Credits
SID Monitoring Station

Date Date Tab

Date Tab

This tab selects the time range of the graph displayed in the graph area.

Four options are available:

  • "Today": the graph is plotted for the current day from 00h00 to 24h00.
  • "Last 24 hours": the last 24 hours are plotted. The graph end to the current time.
  • "Select date": a given day, or a range of days, can be selected from the calendar. Graph will be plotted from 00h00 of the first selected day to 24h00 of the last selected day.
  • "Select range": The "From" and "To" fields can be filled in to specify range of the graph plot. This is useful for zooming in on a specific period of time for in-depth event analysis.

Missing data are indicated by red bands.

This tab allows to show an history of 1 month of measurements.

Note: All times and dates in SID Monitor are expressed in UTC. The application relies on Windows timezone setting for the UTC time calculations.

The lower part of the tab contains the UTC time at which the graph currently displayed has been generated.
A button is available to refresh immediatly the graph.
Note: one can also use the Graph menu, the channels tab or the GOES tab.

Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Lionel Loudet
Home Page: http://sidstation.loudet.org/sidmonitor/
Licence Creative Commons SID Monitoring Station de Lionel LOUDET est mis à disposition selon les termes de la
licence Creative Commons Attribution - Pas d’Utilisation Commerciale - Partage dans les Mêmes Conditions 3.0 non transposé.
Dernière mise à jour : 31 Aug 2014
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