Reapply Algorithm
The "Reapply Algorithm Parameters" toolbox allows to force re-execution of the Holt-Winters
aberrant behavior detection algorithm with a new set of parameters to the whole content of
a database.
Note that this operation is very demanding in terms of memory (1Gb of RAM is welcome) and
of processing time (expect a few tens of minutes to a few hours, depending on the database
The Database to process is by default the current database. Other databases can be selected by entering their neame in the "Database" field or by the "Select..." button.
The new set of parameters can then be selected by the sliders. More information on the effect of the various parameters is available in the Forecast FAQ.
When all parameters are set, press the "Ok" button to start the processing. The operation can be cancelled any time.
A copy of the initial database will be created with the extension .old.rrd .