-- SID Monitor Overview
-- Installation
-- Graphical User Interface
--- Menubar
--- Graph Area
--- Date Tab
--- Channels Tab
--- GOES Tab
--- Message Pane
--- Status Bar
--- Notification Icon
--- Options
---- Options Startup
---- Options Data Acquisition
---- Options Channels
---- Options Database
---- Options Forecast
---- Options Graph
---- Options Report and Alert
---- Options Location
--- Reapply Algorithm Parameters
--- Generate Report
--- View Report
--- Sunrise and Sunset times calculator
--- About information box
-- FAQ
--- FAQ Reports
--- FAQ Databases
--- FAQ Forecast
-- Licence
-- Credits
SID Monitoring Station

Sun Sunrise and Sunset times calculator

This utility indicates for a given day the sunrise, sunset and twilight times.

The civil twilight correspond to a sun position between 0 and -6° below the horizon.
The nautical twilight correspond to a sun position between -6° and -12° below the horizon.
The astronomical twilight correspond to a sun position between -12° and -18° below the horizon.
The noon time correspond to the highest sun altitude.

Calculations are done for the location provided in the options / location panel.

Sunrise and Sunset Times Calculator

The sunrise and sunset times are precise to a few minutes which is sufficient for our purpose.

Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Lionel Loudet
Home Page: http://sidstation.loudet.org/sidmonitor/
Creative Commons License SID monitoring station by Lionel LOUDET is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Last Update: 31 Aug 2014
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